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Oil Only Absorbent Spill Kit - 41 Gallon

Oil Only Absorbent Spill Kit - 41 Gallon

Oil Spill Kit – 41 Gallon Drum

Also known as:

Oil Spill Control, Primary Containment


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Air Freight


Oil Only Absorbent Spill Kit - 41 Gallon

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OilHungry in Stoney Creek

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Quality Assurance



$CAD 537



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Air Freight


For medium spills in marines, refineries and loading docks.

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  • Quick absorption streamlines and enhance cleanup processes.
  • Your emergency response plan is a prudent strategy.
  • Rapidly absorbing oil due to its advanced design.
  • Preventing the spread and escalation of oil spills is a critical aspect of environmental protection.
  • High Affinity for Oil


The Oil Only Absorbent Spill Kit - 41-Gallon contains, The 41-Gallon Oil Only Absorbent Spill Kit is a comprehensive solution for managing medium-sized spills in marine environments, refineries, and loading docks. Designed for versatility and effectiveness, the kit includes, 50 Absorbent Pads (8” x 11.5”) Versatile pads for quick and efficient absorption of oil-based liquids, ideal for various spill scenarios. 4 Sorbent Socks (3” x 4Ft) Specially designed to contain and absorb spills, particularly in confined or challenging areas. 8 Pillows (18” x 18”) Large pillows for absorbing and retaining significant quantities of oil, enhancing spill response efficiency. 1 Pair of Nitrile Gloves Essential personal protective equipment for safe handling during spill cleanup. 5 Disposal Bags Ensures proper containment and disposal of used absorbent materials, contributing to responsible waste management. 1 Gallon Drum (55) A larger containment option for collecting and managing absorbed liquids. Part Number: OH-OOS-41G The kit is specifically tailored for medium spills in marine environments, refineries, and loading docks, offering a comprehensive and efficient response to oil-based spills. Polypropylene is a preferred material for oil-based cleanup for several reasons, making it an ideal choice for products like the Oil-Only Absorbent Pillow. Hydrophobic Nature Polypropylene is inherently hydrophobic, meaning it repels water. This characteristic is crucial in oil-based cleanup where the goal is to selectively absorb oils while avoiding the absorption of water. The hydrophobic nature of polypropylene ensures that the material remains focused on its primary task—absorbing oil-based liquids. High Affinity for Oil Polypropylene has a high affinity for oil-based substances. When in contact with oils, polypropylene quickly absorbs and retains these liquids. This property enhances the efficiency of cleanup operations, allowing for the rapid containment and absorption of oil spills. Recyclability Polypropylene is recyclable, adding an environmentally conscious aspect to its use in oil-based cleanup products. Inert Nature Polypropylene is inert, meaning it does not react with or alter the composition of the substances it meets. This inert nature is crucial in cleanup situations where the goal is containment and absorption without introducing additional complications or reactions.

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